1070. Fill the line


n segments are colored on the number line. The coordinates of the left and right endpoints of each segment, li and ri​, are given. Find the total length of the colored part of the number line.


Input. The first line contains the integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 15000). The next n lines contain two integers li and ri (-109liri ≤ 109) – the coordinates of the endpoints of the segments.


Output. Print the total length of the colored part of the number line.


Sample input

Sample output


6 8

1 2

0 3

7 9

2 4






geometrysweeping line


Algorithm analysis

Store the endpoints of the n segments in an array v, keeping track of whether each point is a left or right endpoint. Then sort the 2 * n points by their x-coordinate v[i]. Next, move from left to right through the intervals (v[i], v[i + 1]) between the points, simulating a sweep line.

Maintain a variable depth, which represents the number of segments covering the interval (v[i], v[i + 1]). Initially, depth is set to 0. Increase depth by 1 when encountering a point that is the start of a segment and decrease it by 1 when encountering a point that is the end of a segment.

The total length of the painted portion of the line is the sum of the lengths of intervals xi+1xi, where depth 0.



Let us consider the set of the following segments:

The answer is the sum of the lengths of the intervals xi+1xi, where depth 0.


Algorithm implementation

The endpoints of the segments will be stored in an array v as pairs: (x-coordinate of the point, label indicating whether it is the start or end of a segment).


vector<pair<int, int> > v; // (x, flag), flag: 0 = Left, 1 = Right


Read the segments and form an array of points.


scanf("%d", &n);

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)


  scanf("%d %d", &Left, &Right);

  v.push_back({Left, 0}); // start of a segment

  v.push_back({Right, 1}); // end of a segment



Sort the points by their x-coordinate.


sort(v.begin(), v.end());


Maintain the depth of overlap (the number of segments covering the current interval) in the depth variable.


depth = 0;


The length of the painted portion of the line is computed in the variable res.


res = 0;


Move through the points from left to right. For each value of i, consider the interval [v[i].first, v[i + 1].first].

·        If the point v[i] is the start of a segment, increase the depth by 1.

·        If the point v[i] is the end of a segment, decrease the depth by 1.

If depth > 0 on the current interval, the interval is considered painted, and its length is added to res.

Since array v contains 2 * n points, the loop will iterate over 2 * n – 1 intervals.


for (i = 0; i < v.size() - 1; i++)


  if (v[i].second == 0) depth++; else depth--;

  if (depth > 0) res += v[i + 1].first - v[i].first;



Print the answer.


printf("%d\n", res);


Algorithm implementation – class

Declare a class Point, which stores the x-coordinate of the point and a label c (which indicates whether the point is the start or the end of a segment).


class Point



  int x;

  char c; // 'b' – start of segment, 'e' – end of segment



    x = 0; c = '-';


  Point(int x, char c) : x(x), c(c) {};



Point p[MAX];


The function f is a comparator for sorting the points by their x-coordinate.


int f(Point a, Point b)


  return a.x < b.x;



The main part of the program. Read the segments. Construct an array of points.



for(i = 0; i < 2 * n; i += 2)


  scanf("%d %d",&x,&y); 

  p[i] = Point(x,'b');

  p[i+1] = Point(y,'e');



Sort the points by their x-coordinate.


sort(p, p + 2 * n, f);


Simulate the movement of the sweep line from left to right.


depth = len = 0;

for(i = 0; i < 2*n - 1; i++) // move along the interval [p[i]...p[i+1]


  if (p[i].c == 'b') depth++;

  if (p[i].c == 'e') depth--;

  if (depth > 0) len += p[i+1].x - p[i].x;



Print the answer.

